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Head of School Search Committee Invites Family Input during Focus Groups on Tues., May 7 and Sat., May 11

7 May

As we prepare to launch our search for a Head of School, the Grove Board of Trustees invites your thoughts regarding the desired qualities and qualifications for our next leader.

We will host two Focus Groups for the parent community next week:
– Tuesday, May 7 at 6-7 p.m. in the Barton School House.
– Saturday, May 11, 9-10 a.m. in the Barton School House (we encourage you to grab a market breakfast that day).

Separate focus group meetings will be held with Grove faculty and staff.

We realize that this is short notice. Time is of the essence, as the formal search will launch very soon. We value your opinion and welcome your participation.

Please feel free to direct any questions about the Head of School transition to

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