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Last Day of School Activities (and You are Invited to Them!) – June 13

5 Jun

We are a short way from our last day of school, June 13! Please mark your calendar for the following activities that take place that day:

  • School Day, 8am-12:30pm – School hours apply for all students and they should report to school as usual, other than seniors, who will have attendance taken at their events.
  • Senior Breakfast and Graduation Practice, 8am – Seniors will have breakfast at Carolyn’s Cafe at 8am and, then, proceed to the Redlands Bowl for practice at 10am.
  • Capstone Presentations, 9-10am @Barton Schoolhouse – Freshmen will participate in gallery type presentations where they will invite their community to learn and do something about the problems they care about.
  • Bridging Speeches, 10:30am-12:30pm – Freshmen will be honored by 8th graders as they promote to the high school. Speeches will be followed by refreshments (cookie-geddon is upon us).
  • Graduation, 7pm @Redlands Bowl – Join us as we celebrate the class of 2019. Grove graduation is very intimate and different from the traditional school, and we have lots of room at the Bowl (a new venue for this year), so join us if you can! Seniors should be there at 6pm, dressed in cap and gown, ready for the big night!
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