Over the last 3 years the Grove School participated in a research sponsored by Claremont Graduate University. The study continues this year and it is important that we play our part in supporting the development of scientific knowledge to improve the schooling of our children. Grove also looks at that data and uses it to strategize for encouraging the development of programs that lend to greater confidence of self-efficacy in students.
Participants will be asked to complete two surveys and possible interviews. All information provided for the study is voluntary, kept confidential, and used solely for research purposes. As an incentive for participation, students will be entered to win Amazon gift cards. In addition, some students (without any identifying information going to the school) may be asked to participate in interviews. These students will also receive a gift card for their time.
If you would like your child to participate in the study, please use the following link to sign an electronic consent form: https://cgu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b2T2UBo0wsL8CtD. For your child to be able to participate in this study, you must provide your consent by April 2nd. The study will re-launch the first week of April. After you sign the consent form, your child will be contacted directly inviting them to participate in the survey and interviews. ***If you previously signed the consent form in the fall, it will carry over for the spring, so no need to sign it again.
If you have any questions, please contact project leader, Elyse Postlewaite at Elyse@Postlewaite@cgu.edu or (206) 605-1593.
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