The Grove School (TGS) is a free and public charter school. Enrollment is open to any student who is applying for any grade level between grades 7 and 12. Please read the instructions about the enrollment process carefully and keep track of the key dates. Please feel free to contact us with questions, either via email or by calling our office at (909) 798-7831.
The lottery form opens on Friday, January 31, 2025. The lottery form needed to be submitted online or returned to the office by Monday, March 31 before 4 pm. Families that have not submitted a completed a lottery form by March 31, 2025 will not enter the lottery.
Under California state law, enrollment to The Grove School is governed by a Public Random Drawing (PRD). In early Spring, The Grove School conducts its PRD for admission to the school for the following academic year. In order to be part of the PRD, a family must complete an online lottery form or paper form. For the 2025-2026 school year, this form must be completed online or turned into the office by March 31, 2025, before 4 pm. Each completed application will be assigned a number, and during the PRD, numbers will be drawn at random.
Typically, The Grove School receives applications in excess of the number of spaces available. Those students who do not get picked in the PRD for the spaces available will be placed on a waiting list. Students on the waiting list may be invited to join The Grove School at any point during the school year, if space becomes available. If the student is not admitted by the time of the PRD for the following school year, they must re-submit an application to be considered for admittance. Students on the waiting list for any given school year do not have priority admission for the following school year. For the full details of the waitlist and considerations like home hospital and entering foreign exchange programs, see the Grove School’s full post waitlist lottery and additional enrollment policies.
In order to protect student information, the Grove School lottery drawing will be done by student number. The number assigned to your student(s) will be emailed to you
If you can not find the email, please send an email to and include your students’ name and grade.
The results of the lottery will be sent out by letter in the mail by Friday, April 11. Results will not be given over the phone or email.
Our current waiting list is only created from the students who participated in the lottery for the upcoming school year. We do NOT add students to a “waiting list”.
If you missed the deadline last school year and are interested in your student possibly attending Grove in the immediate future, you may complete the online “Enrollment Interest” form. If, at any time during the school year, The Grove School goes through the entire waiting list, The Grove School will proceed through another lottery process to be executed in the process below from the enrollment interest forms that have been returned.
Again, filling out the “Enrollment Interest” form DOES NOT add your student to the waitlist, but does give an opportunity to attend Grove, if the list of lotteried students from the previous year have been exhausted. For further information, please contact
Official enrollment policies, as stated in the Grove School Charter, p.95:
The Charter School shall require students who wish to attend the Charter School to complete an application. Applications will be accepted during a publicly advertised open enrollment period each year for enrollment in the following school year. Following the open enrollment period each year, applications shall be counted to determine whether any grade level has received more applications than availability. In the event that this happens, the Charter School will hold a public random drawing (or “lottery”) to determine admission for the impacted grade level, with the exception of existing students, who are guaranteed admission in the following school year.
TGS has established an annual recruiting and admissions cycle, which shall include reasonable time for all of the following: 1) outreach, 2) voluntary orientation and informational briefings for parents and students, 3) admissions application period, 4) an admissions lottery if necessary, and 5) enrollment. The Charter School will fill vacancies or openings that become available after this process through the use of a wait list established from the admissions lottery, as described below. In the event that the number of students seeking admission exceeds the Charter School’s maximum enrollment, admission preferences in the lottery shall be given to the following students in the following order:
The Charter School and the District agree to adhere to the requirements related to admission preferences as set forth in Education Code Section 47605(d)(2)(B)(i)-(iv). Full details of this provision are found below, including instructions on filing a complaint.
Typically, TGS receives applications in excess of the number of spaces available. In early Spring, TGS conducts its lottery for admission to the Charter School for the following academic year. To be part of the lottery, a family must complete an application. The application must be completed and turned into TGS prior to the deadline. Each completed application will be assigned a number.
The Board of Directors will take all necessary efforts to ensure lottery procedures are fairly executed.
In order to protect student information, the Grove School lottery drawing will be done by student number. The number assigned to your student(s) will be emailed to you
Students who are selected for enrollment in the lottery are informed by letter within three days of the lottery. Students who are on the wait list are also informed within three days, as described below, and given their position on the list.
If a student is pulled from the waiting list, families are notified of their student’s available place at Grove twice via telephone and twice via email over the course of three days. If no response is received, we send a letter notifying the family. After one week, if no response if received from that family, we move to the next name on the list.
Public random drawing rules, deadlines, dates and times will be communicated in the application form and on the Charter School’s website. Public notice for the date and time of the public random drawing will also be posted once the application deadline has passed. The Charter School will also inform all applicants and interested parties of the rules to be followed during the public random drawing process via mail or email at least two weeks prior to the lottery date.
Upon admission to the Charter School, prospective students and their parents/guardians must agree to the following:
The Grove School enrolls students in accordance with Education Code (EC) Section 47605(d)(4).
California Education Code (EC) Section 47605(d)(4) ( states the following:
A charter school shall not discourage a pupil from enrolling or seeking to enroll in a charter school for any reason, including, but not limited to, academic performance of the pupil or because the pupil exhibits any of the following characteristics:
A charter school shall not request a pupil’s records or require the parent, guardian, or pupil to submit the pupil’s records to the charter school before enrollment.
A charter school shall not encourage a pupil currently attending the charter school to disenroll from the charter school or transfer to another school for any reason (except for suspension or expulsion).
This notice shall be posted on a charter school’s Internet website and a charter school will provide copies of this notice (1) when a parent, guardian, or pupil inquires about enrollment; (2) before conducting an enrollment lottery, and (3) before disenrollment of a pupil.
If you feel that The Grove School has violated any of the above, or the lottery process, please complete the Complaint Form.
The complaint form may be sent electronically or in hard copy to the charter school authorizer:
Redlands Unified School District
20 West Lugonia Ave.
Redlands, CA. 92374
(909) 307-5300
Sign up online or call the office at (909) 798-7831 to reserve your spot.
Please note that all visitors to the Grove School must check in and register at the office:
Grove High School
200 Nevada Street
Redlands, CA 92373
*“Faculty” is defined as full-time teaching faculty/staff who work 30 hours or more per week at TGS.