***To make our meetings secure, you will not find links for Zoom in this post. Check email for a full copy of the information below or write communications@thegroveschool.org for help.
ASB Ice Breakers – 8:30amCome and meet students at ASB coordinated mixers via Zoom at 8:30am on Monday! Members from each level have prepared fun activities for you! Teachers will be circulating through the meeting to get to know you, too! Check your email for the Zoom links for these meetings, or email communications@thegroveschool.org. |
Middle School students should be sure to fill out the survey emailed to them for the “Family Feud” style ice breaker! |
Classes Begin with Mentoring at 9amTo help students set out on the right foot, school begins officially at 9am with mentoring sessions. Roll will be taken, but more importantly mentors will help students prepare and gather information for success in online learning. This includes lots of exercises to get to know each other. Work will continue with another mentoring session at 10:50am. |
Google Classroom Codes and Zoom LinksHopefully, you have gotten this info already, but just in case, there are several ways to access Google Classroom codes and Zoom links for mentoring and classes. Check your email: Mentors have emailed families their Google Classroom code and a Zoom link. During the first day of school, mentors will work with students to make sure they have all of the same information for other classes.Check Aeries: Google Classroom codes and Zoom session links are also available for all classes on Aeries (look for “Visit Website” and “Join”).Check the 2020-2021 School Year Guide or Back to School website: There, you can find a table with Google Classroom codes for all periods, mentoring, and clubs, as well as email addresses for teachers, if there are issues. Once in the Classroom, students can access the Zoom links posted in Google Classrooms.If you still have difficulty accessing codes or links, email teachers directly, or reach out to the office at info@thegroveschool.org. |
Keeping it Short!There are a million questions you might have, but we want to keep this short and to the point to get us through day 1. Getting to that first meeting will be our most important hurdle and we can get through the rest together! Mentors will be helping students organize for the school year and get through the first week. You can find loads of information at the following websites, including full schedules, classroom codes, frequently asked questions and information for materials pick-up (we have a “goodie” bag with your books!): – thegroveschool.org – 2020-2021 School Year Guide – Grove’s Back to School website We are all in this together! If you need anything don’t hesitate to email teachers directly, or reach out to the office at info@thegroveschool.org |
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