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Grab and Go Lunches Start Monday, March 23

23 Mar
Message from Kitchen Staff  
March 20, 2020 

Dear Grove Community, 

The lunch program will continue at Grove during our campus closure. Some aspects of it will change, and some will stay the same. 

What will stay the same?
The method that students sign up for lunch remains. As usual, an email will go out to students with what we will be serving for the coming week that they need to respond to by filling out the signup form. This will inform our buying and preparation.

Another thing that will remain the same is the kind of food that we have on offer. There will be a broad range of healthy foods and a comparable vegetarian option when the main protein source is meat. 

Also consistent is that anyone can order lunch. It will be $4 per meal, payable at the window by cash or check only. Yearlong card holders, of course, are already paid. Yearlong holders are also the only ones that can order on Wednesdays.  At this time, lunch has to be picked up on a daily basis.We may change to pick up multiple days at once, but we are not prepared to do that at this time. We will keep you updated.

We have always prided ourselves on the cleanliness and sanitation of our kitchen. We will, of course, continue those practices to keep ourselves and everyone else safe. 

What will change? 
With the campus closed, eating lunch at the school will not be permitted. Instead, lunches will be prepackaged and available for pickup from 7:30am until 2:00pm. We want to be as flexible as possible, so you can most easily get what you need. There are enough variables in all of this that what we do and how we do it will likely change in ways that are impossible to predict. We will keep the community apprised of those changes. 

Your student can sign up for lunch next week here: We are investigating ways to remind students when they are signed up for lunch. The new signup form includes a field to enter a cell phone number that will be used to send the reminder. This is wholly optional and experimental at this point. 

We would also love to hear your thoughts about what would be most helpful for you. These are trying times for all of us, and we’d like to help and do what we can to support you. Email me at with your questions, suggestions or even criticisms. 

I hope everyone is well and staying safe.

We will get through this. 

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