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Updated Grove Statement Re: Coronavirus

12 Mar

March 11, 2020

Schools in Southern California, including Grove, are preparing responses to the coronavirus, also known as COVID -19. The Grove School is working closely with MIR and Redlands Unified, and following advice from local, state, and federal agencies as more is reported on the coronavirus.  The health and safety of our students continues to be our chief priority, and we will follow all guidance and take all appropriate measures accordingly.

What You Need to Know

California is responding to the spread of a respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus (COVID-19) first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Cases of COVID-19 are also being reported internationally and in the United States. California is actively working with the White House, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), local governments, health facilities, and health care providers across the state to prepare and protect Californians from COVID-19.

Typically, human coronaviruses cause mild-to-moderate respiratory illness. Symptoms are very similar to the flu, including: runny nose, headaches, cough, sore throat, fever, and shortness of breath.

The first line of defense to prevent the spread of this and all communicable diseases is to follow basic rules of hygiene and care: wash hands often and after sneezing or coughing, cover mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing (or aim into elbows), dispose of tissue and soiled items properly, avoid touching the face, and avoid sharing items that come into contact with others’ mouths. Additionally, should students or staff become ill, they should follow school guidelines, waiting at least 24 hours to return to school after vomiting or running a fever. If you believe you have been exposed to COVID-19, you must wait to get a physician’s clearance to return to school.

Further information about COVID-19 and current recommendations can be found at the CDPH website and the LA County’s Public Health Office Website.

COVID-19 in California by the Numbers:

As of March 10, 2020, 7 a.m. Pacific Time, there are a total of 157 positive cases and two deaths in California: 24 cases are from repatriation flights.

The other 133 confirmed cases include 50 that are travel related, 30 due to person-to-person transmission, 29 are community acquired (map of community transmission by county in California- PDF) and 24 are from unknown sources. Of all the confirmed positive cases:

  • Age 0 – 17: 2 cases
  • Age 18 – 64: 91 cases
  • Age 65+: 60 cases
  • Unknown: 4 cases

Approximately 10,300 people are self-monitoring, across 49 local health jurisdictions, after returning to the U.S. from travel.

Eighteen public health labs in California are testing for COVID-19. These labs include the California Department of Public Health’s Laboratory in Richmond, Alameda, Contra Costa, Humboldt, Los Angeles, Monterey, Napa-Solano-Yolo-Marin (located in Solano), Orange, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, San Luis Obispo, Santa Clara, Shasta, Sonoma, Tulare and Ventura County public health laboratories. The Richmond Laboratory will provide diagnostic testing within a 48-hour turnaround time. More public health labs will soon be able to test for COVID-19. This means California public health officials will get test results sooner, so that patients will get the best care.  

  • For the latest information on repatriation and federal management, please see this statement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Grove Specific Communication

Community Letter on 3/4/2020

Grove Community Letter 2/28/2020

County Communication via Redlands Unified School District Website

2-05-20 San Bernardino County Department of Public Health Press Release

02-28-20 San Bernardino County Department of Public Health Press Release

03-02-20 San Bernardino County Department of Public Health Press Release

03-05-20 San Bernardino County Department of Public Health Press Release

03-09-20 San Bernardino County Department of Public Health Press Release

The Grove School will promptly communicate to all stakeholders, should the Health Department guidelines include any further actions.

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