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Join in Claremont College Multi-Year Study of Grove – Consent Form Due May 24

15 May
Grove Families,
Last year, the Grove School began a partnership with a doctoral student at the Claremont Graduate School name Elyse Postlewaite.  Last year, she conducted an evaluation of student independence at Grove with a team of other doctoral students.  I decided this was a great opportunity for Grove to have researchers study Grove to help it improve its educational program.  Last year, the study focused on learning about how more effectively support students in developing greater levels of independence.
We would like this to be a multi-year study, so we can see the effects of our improving educational program over time.  This means that Grove would like students to complete a survey about their educational experience at Grove.  Because this is official research, we need for parents and guardians to complete a consent form for students to complete the online survey through the link found on the cover letter.  The consent form should take 1-2 minutes to read and complete.
Please complete by Friday May 24, 2019
Thank you for helping Grove continue to improve.
Link to cover letter, survey link, and consent form:
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