Do you want to be able to connect more with your son and daughter?
Do you want to see some of the learning materials used and the inside of each classroom?
Do you want to understand more about the work your son or daughter does at school?
Do you want to learn what happens in “project time” and what capstone actually is?
If yes, then come to Journey and Discovery on January 25th, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. to spend a few hours learning more about the curriculum, environments, materials, work, and methods used in Montessori education and specifically at The Grove School. Our goal is that all families participate in Journey and Discovery at least one time during their first three years at The Grove School. Parents who participated in the past are welcome to come again if they would like.
This event includes a silent exploration of classroom environments, working in the environments with the teachers, and talking with teachers and the Head of School. This is an adult-only event, and space is limited.
Go to to learn more and sign up. If you have any questions, please contact the high school office.
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