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Letter Regarding Cancellation of Middle School Mentor Cohorts and Invitation to Board Meeting on April 5 to Review Plan to Offer In-Person Instruction for Students, Grades 7-12

1 Apr

On March 19, just as we began our spring break, the CDC adjusted its recommendation from 6ft to 3ft for distancing during in-person instruction at schools. This new recommendation greatly affects the in-person instruction that Grove can offer — it is not reflected in the current Grove Reopening Plan, approved in July and based on 20% capacity with in-person instruction 1 day a week. 

Accordingly, we are suspending our plans for grades 7-9 mentor group-based cohorts as we pivot to developing a modified plan to serve more students.

At the April 5th regularly scheduled Grove School Board meeting, a new return to in-person instruction plan will be presented, including plans for 3ft distancing and classes open to 50% capacity. We are currently working with staff and stakeholders to finalize a draft plan. When the DRAFT is completed, it will be shared with all stakeholders. The plan will include options for a 100% distance learning program AND a hybrid program with cohorts receiving in-person instruction for grades 7-12.

The board may choose to vote on the plan at the April 5th meeting or schedule a special meeting at a later date to hold a vote. The board may choose to adopt the new plan (and replace the prior plan) as presented at the April 5th meeting, as amended, or not at all.

Thank you for your patience as Grove navigates this frequently changing landscape and works to offer the most opportunities to the most students.

Any comments or questions can be sent to and will be shared with the Grove board before the April 5th meeting.  
Thank you,

Andrew Christopherson, Head of School

  • Board of Directors of The Grove School Regular Meeting, including discussion of In-Person Instruction Plan
  • April 5th, 2021, 6:15 p.m.
  • Online via Zoom: Meeting ID: 372 856 0955  
  • Join meeting:
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